At war against Napoleon near bankrupt English mill-masters experiment with a new factory system acquiring machines to replace men. A young worker leads the Luddites attacking mills and smashing machines. With increased assaults and even murder North England feels the grip of terrorism. Government agents attempt to suppress the rebellion. In 1812 there are more British troops in North England than fighting Napoleon in Europe. Against the Machine relates the story of the diverse characters caught in this conflict. It unveils the rank exploitation which marked the Industrial Revolution. Timely, intense and reflective of another, technological revolution: our own.
About the author

Once a teacher, theatre director and adjudicator, Brian left those worlds to travel with his wife, Susan, and take up writing as a full time pursuit. He has journeyed to every continent and sailed nearly every sea on the planet. His base is Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. For more, his website is
With four highly acclaimed novels currently on the market THE BETRAYAL PATH, IMMORTAL WATER, AGAINST THE MACHINE: LUDDITES and AGAINST THE MACHINE: MANIFESTO, Brian’s next book, the finale of his human/machine interface trilogy titled, AGAINST THE MACHINE: EVOLUTION will launch this November.