The tight rope act We want to keep our children safe. We want to make sure our children reach adulthood, ready to handle the challenges of the world […]
Navigating the Teen Years: Homeschooling High School
Homeschooling high school students can be both rewarding and challenging. As teenagers navigate their academic journey, it’s crucial to provide a supportive and stimulating learning environment. Here are […]
Homeschooling and the Art of Letting Go: Finding Freedom in Flexibility
Homeschooling. It’s a word that evokes images of cozy kitchens turned classrooms, Pinterest-perfect schedules, and children joyfully soaking up knowledge at their own pace. While those moments certainly […]
The Importance of Play in Homeschooling
Play is often seen as frivolous and unimportant, but it is actually essential for a child’s development. Through play, children learn about the world around them, develop social […]
Interview With Homeschool Student Zoey
I recently had time to sit down with Zoey and conduct an interview with her on what it’s like to be a homeschooled teenager. The questions we asked […]