I love to read fantasy and sci-fi, so I wrote a fantasy novel: THE DRY COUNTRY. My second novel, SILJEEA MAGIC, is fantasy/magical realism. It’s available from Black Rose Writing on Kindle, in paperback, and through Black Rose. My third novel, also magical realism, is also available on Amazon.
I’m also a published and produced playwright. (See THE WRIGHT PLACE and PLAYS FOR STUDENT ACTORS AND DIRECTORS.)
I live in Ithaca NY with a husband and three cockatiels. Ithaca is a university town surrounded by farms and woods.
Now on my 8th or 9th career, I’ve been a theatre professor, a journalist, and a mime (!), along with some more boring jobs. Writing is the least boring job I’ve had.
I review most of the books I read. Check out my Amazon reviews; my blog: http://judithprattwriter.com, or my Goodreads page, https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6255721.Judith_Pratt, to see what I think!