I love words. Growing up, I was the grammar geek, the book nerd. I love the way words sound, and how they look when you gently put them on a page. I am a teacher, business owner, mother, and self-prescribed word nerd. I have been teaching college and high school students for over twenty years. I am a life coach, and I have successfully raised two incredibly decent, kind humans. I garner great pleasure in helping students with the high school to college transition. I surround myself with words for each of my passions, both written and spoken. Using my quirky sense of etymology, I have the keen ability to take a fresh look at the world.
Judy is a college professor, life coach, and business owner. She spends her time writing and teaching writing. She finds the interesting, often difficult things to talk about, topics and explores them. She is an avid walker, yoga girl, and reader.
So I’ve Been Thinking… is a series of stories about everyday life experiences. Although we are individuals, at the core of our being, we share the same pride in our families, traditions passed from generation to generation, and the ups and downs of life. There is an unseen web that connects each of us together. While reading, you might find the corners of your mouth begin to rise; perhaps a laugh will slip through, or a tear will slide down your cheek. Although the details may be different, the daily lessons we can gather from even the smallest interactions can be very similar.