Linda Bloodworth is a writer from Toronto who often has to battle two cats and a dog to find a comfortable writing position. Author of, A Raven’s Touch (2015) and A Raven’s Revenge (2019), Linda has self-published on Amazon and various retail platforms. Writing since she could pick up a pen, Linda enjoys scary tales of the strange and unusual as well as binge-watching Sailor Moon ad nauseam.
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Fan email: [email protected]
3 Question Interview with Linda Bloodworth
Q1. Linda, what genre do you write?
A1. Currently, I write YA (young adult) Paranormal mixed with fantasy. Seeing as my characters include a half-angel, a witch, a vampire, elves, and a dragon I’d say that’s about right.
Q2. This isn’t another Twilight rip off, is it?
A2. Heck no. My main character Justice is nothing like Bella Swan. Justice has a very clear idea of who she is and she doesn’t rely on other characters to define her. Instead, she’s independent, fiercely loyal, and can stand on her own two feet.
Q3. Why should anyone pick up A Raven’s Touch?
A3. If you like adventure, friendship, action, and a bit of romance this is the book for you.