Paradigms Tossed: Debunking Faulty Christian Beliefs

STOP!!! If you are looking for a book about how to “Obtain Power with God”, or on how one can manipulate God into making him or herself rich and/or famous, then this may not be the book for you.

If you are however, interested in finding a book that shows you how to overcome some of the more difficult aspects of understanding God’s Word and thereby revealing its utter beauty and simplicity, then by all means, this book is for you.

Paradigms Tossed: Debunking Faulty Christian Beliefs addresses the numerous faulty paradigms that have developed throughout Church history. It is the assertion of this book that many of the unscriptural beliefs that exist within the Christian Community today are the direct result of these faulty paradigms.

This book also contends that when these faulty paradigms are exposed and held up to the light of what the Word of God actually teaches regarding the particular topic(s) in question, then the beauty and simplicity of the ways of God soon come into focus, allowing the Christian to not only develop a better understanding of the personal love and care that God has for each of His children, but to also confidently understand just what the ultimate purpose and focus of their life should ideally be.

Learn more about author Rob Lindeman!

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