I’ve been a reader of fantasy and science fiction since I was ten. Lord of the Rings is still my favorite. I now read Butcher (Dresden) and Salvatore (Drizzt), as well at Sanderson and others. The Mid Dreki Realm got its start with a comment with my then fifteen year old son. That kernel grew into a book, which split into two, and is now a five book series. And that spun off the Madcap Adventures series, featuring Rory and Ingefaer. I retired at 57 and began the process of becoming a writer. I’ve attended close to a dozen conferences, read numerous books on the art of writing, joined critique groups, and immersed myself in the craft. I’m a member of Apex, a group founded by David Farland (Runelords).
I live in the foothills between Colorado Springs and Denver with my wife. Deer, turkeys, bears, coyotes, and my three children and 2 grandchildren occasionally drop by.