- Author of Overcoming Your Child’s Fear of Dogs
- Author of How to Face My Fear of Dogs – Activity Guide for Kids
- Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in private practice.
Main Focus: Parent Coaching and Education, specializing in anxiety in children with a sub-specialty in helping people of all ages overcome their fear of dogs.
- B.A. in Sociology
- Master of Social Work | New York University
As a parenting expert, I have over thirty years of experience working with parents to help them develop and implement positive parenting strategies to maximize their children’s social and emotional development. I also work individually with children to help them learn to cope more effectively with “big” feelings, such as worry, fear and anger.
I have created and facilitated numerous parenting support groups and workshops. Topics have included: anxiety in children, parenting special needs children, positive limit setting and sibling rivalry. In addition, I have presented many teacher training sessions on recognizing developmental red flags and behavioral issues in children.
My current niche is helping people who are afraid of dogs face their fear through exposure therapy. This is accomplished with the help of a therapy dog team. My two books outline this in detail.
My love of animals, especially dogs, developed when I was a young child. Dogs have always been an integral part of my life. When I realized that my daughter Becky was afraid of dogs I began to develop and implement the Overcoming the Fear of Dogs Protocol (OFOD). Since then, I have perfected this method and have helped many people to feel safe and comfortable around dogs. My first book is the culmination of my efforts. It was born out of my wish and need for guidance when I needed help and support to help my daughter overcome her fear of dogs. My second book is a companion to the first and is a fun and engaging activity guide to help kids face their fear of dogs.
Online presence
I live in New Rochelle, N.Y. with my husband Gerry and our dog Winnie. I have four grandchildren – all of whom, I am happy to say, love dogs!