Cryostasis is commonly known to be instantaneous to interplanetary travelers, but for Neiaphi (Knee-aw-fi) it was full of dreams and nightmares. So one would think Neiaphi would be relieved when she woke up, little did she know that her nightmares would come true.What if Atlantis really had existed? What if it was not the pinnacle of an ancient human society but rather an outpost on an intergalactic penal-planet? What if the very earliest mythologies were not primitive attempts to explain the universe but were deliberate attempts to control the lives and thoughts of a condemned people?Neiaphi’s father, a mid-level Official, and a small group from Romota are being sent to the Krill Colonies on a temporary assignment. The newcomers must travel across a primitive alien planet, trying to reach a City few have ever been to while staying one-step ahead of The Society and somehow figuring out how to stop them once and for all; the odds seem to be against them.