CEO Branding: Theory and Practice

CEO Branding advances our understanding of the importance and impact that CEOs have on companies. In recent years, there has been a growing body of interdisciplinary literature on this powerful aspect of branding, and Fetscherin has invited a leading panel of international scholars and practitioners to contribute original chapters in their area of expertise.

The book introduces the concept of the CEO as a brand, and outlines the “4Ps” of this branding mix – the CEO (person), personality, prestige (reputation), and performance. It discusses the CEO branding process, and demonstrates the many ways in which this ‘human brand’ affects the company in financial terms (such as performance, profit, and stock returns), as well as non-financial terms (reputation, trust, and firm strategy). The book also includes ‘lessons learned’ and many examples that illustrate how companies can measure and manage the CEO brand.

This comprehensive, authoritative volume will give students, researchers, marketing and communication managers, and CEOs themselves a thorough understanding of all aspects of the CEO brand. A must read for any CEO who is serious about developing, managing and measuring their own brand.

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