A young polar bear named Ozzie goes on a walk with his dad in the Arctic. They explore, play in the snow, and encounter various animals like walruses, puffins, and a beluga whale. Ozzie questions whether he is a real polar bear due to feeling cold. His dad assures him that he is, and they continue their walk.
About The Author

I live in St. Louis Missouri with my husband, Dan, my daughters, Ollie and Emmy, and my 2 dogs, Noodle and Penne. My family helps me come up with new ideas for books all of the time.
I have a degree in elementary education, but my heart has led me to writing. While teaching I was able to discover many wonderful picture books by some extremely talented authors. They all inspired me to use my creativity and try my hand at writing.
I am blessed to be able to do what I love and be creative at the same time.
In 2022 I proposed an idea to a friend who happens to be a high school art teacher. We discussed having her students compete to illustrate my next book, Curious Ozzie. They are generating a one-page illustration in their preferred style and their teacher and I will pick the student we think will do the best job. After I presented this to my friend, we gathered students together and talked about the book and contest. They are so excited for this opportunity. I had many students pull me aside to say “Thank you” and “We’re so excited to do this for you.” They will be paid, have credit on the book, and have a bio in the book. My friend has also gotten the marketing classes involved and they have created lessons based on the curriculum around my book. I cannot wait to see what these teenagers come up with and what their future holds in the illustrating world. – Cori Luigs