I recently had time to sit down with Zoey and conduct an interview with her on what it’s like to be a homeschooled teenager. The questions we asked her are questions that homeschool students are asked a lot by friends, family members, and others outside the homeschool community.
What is your favorite thing about homeschooling?
To start with my favorite thing is that I am able to stay at home with my dog Vader. Recently he was sick and I helped to take care of him when he needed around-the-clock care. I like that I have the ability to learn things that interest me. When my mom asked me what were some things that interested me I told her cosmetology. So this year one of the things I have been learning about is makeup, skincare, and hair care as well as cutting hair. I even now cut my dad’s hair every other week. It’s very cool. So much of everyday life can be incorporated into my learning. I also like the fact that I’m not overwhelmed by large class sizes and bullies.
What is your least favorite thing about homeschooling?
I would have to say reading. I’ve never been a strong reader and it’s probably my least favorite thing to do. I have begun to get into audiobooks though, some reading apps and certain books that are at my level. But reading from my textbooks and whatnot kinda sucks.
Who typically teaches you?
My mom is my main teacher. Although my dad, nana, and papa have all contributed to my education.
Do you do most of your work online or in books?

I actually do a mix of both. I have some classes that I have online and others I have bookwork for. And sometimes both. My parents got me a tablet for Christmas to use with my school and whatnot. So that was pretty cool.
Do you ever get to watch movies for school?
Yes. I’ve actually been watching movies and TV shows about Thor for some comparison viewpoints in my research project. I watched the Marvel movies of course. Now I’m working through a show on Netflix called Records of Ragnarok. It’s definitely different than the portrayal of Marvel’s Thor. For starters, Thor has red hair. But I guess in history they say he’s actually believed to have red hair. Watching movies is also one way that I learn well compared to reading a textbook.
Are there any subjects you are learning about or have learned about that you probably wouldn’t have learned about in traditional school?
Of course! There’s just so much that public school doesn’t teach. I’m learning cosmetology and fashion design and I’m currently doing an in-depth research project for my ancient mythologies class on Thor (no not the Marvel version either). I’ve done gardening. There’s some stuff I may have learned in school but like the basics. My parents teach me to cook and I usually cook dinner for my family a couple times a week. I’ve learned to pump gas, and how to care for a pet dying.
How much time would you say you spend a day doing schoolwork?
Honestly, it varies. I can spend a very short amount of time or hours. It just depends on what my work is like and how often I get distracted. (I do have ADHD LOL). But either way, it is definitely less than what I would spend in a public school. I learn more and remember more which is nice.
Do you have friends?
Yes, I have friends. I have a small circle because I have learned not everyone is your friend. I’ve got some friends I have known since public school or before, I’ve got my cousins, and I’ve connected and am building friendships with other homeschoolers.
How do you stay in contact with your friends?
Well everyone calls this the computer age. IDK. Thank god for wifi. But seriously um talk to my friends on Facebook, Snapchat, email, the phone, or IN PERSON.
Do you have to get up early or be up at a certain time?
Both my parents work overnights. My mom is a CNA and my dad works in a gas station. So we are all kind of on the night shift schedule. I don’t have a bedtime. I go to sleep when I’m tired and get up when I’m ready to get up. Usually, when I get up I take Vader outside to potty and make myself something to eat then get started on my school work. I used to hate getting up early to go to public school. Or getting up and having to wait for the bus in the middle of winter. NO THANK YOU LOL.
Do you get to stay in your PJs all day?
Negative. I get dressed every day, I even do my hair and makeup most days. I’m not the type of person to stay in pajamas all day.
Do you get days off from school?
That’s a tricky question. Theres really answer a straight yes or no though. I do not have bookwork or computer work every day, I am required to read a certain amount each week. But my mom who is my main teacher counts everyday stuff into school too. So cooking goes into my home ec course. So in a way, it’s a yes and a no.
Do you ever do schoolwork outside?
Yes, and that’s one thing I absolutely love about homeschooling is that I’m not cooped up in a stuffy classroom. I go outside. Every day I go outside and get exercise. I’ve done my reading for classes outside. I’ve done art and science outside too. I spent one-day fishing with friends and family. We had a great time.

Have you volunteered anywhere?
I used to volunteer where my mom used to work (a nursing home) I would visit with the elderly and also help my mom. It was definitely an eye-opener for those in healthcare and working in healthcare.
What are some of your hobbies and interests?
I’m obviously into hair and makeup. I like to exercise and walk, I enjoy listening to music (usually country or country pop). I also love anime whether it’s books or shows. In my free time, I sometimes get on my Xbox and I enjoy playing Fortnight, GTA 5, and rocket league. The Sims 3 and 4 is pretty fun, ive even used it for schooling. I am currently playing Sims 4 on my mom’s laptop. Also am starting to review things so stay tuned for that. I also really enjoy watching some of my favorite YouTubers like Jacksepticeye.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
When I get older I would like to become a cosmetologist. I want to do people’s hair and makeup. I want to help make people feel beautiful.
We want to wish Zoey the best of luck as she continues to grow and become the best version of herself she can be. We also appreciate Zoey blogging here with us! Check out her Interview with Angel!