Obama on Edge: Creative Expressions from a Historic Time (Political Satire Book 2)

In these satirical columns written from 2007 to 2012, Barack Obama’s African grandfather espouses pride and aggressive self-defense. His father discusses academic success, family difficulties, and a tragic drinking problem. Young Obama reveals his struggle to control vices and establish racial identity. Then the soaring young politician offers incisive comments about politics, international relations, the media, and other issues.

A variety of adversaries counterattack. Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh claim they are appalled by Obama. John McCain bemoans that the young man lacks an understanding of big league politics. Hillary Clinton doubts his American values. Jeremiah Wright insists Obama always knew what his pastor was preaching and why. Mahmoud Ahmadenijad presumes to lecture the new president. Mitt Romney thinks Obama is a loser. Osama bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi, and Bashar al-Assad also disapprove. These characters and others have a pulpit. They want Obama on Edge.

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