The Calling is Reborn Vampire Novels: Box Set Volume 1

This box set includes DARKNESS CALLS, DANGER CALLS, TEMPTATION CALLS and a bonus free novella, DESIRE CALLS.

New York City, Post 9/11 is a different world filled with all different things. The city has a sharper edge now, but then again, New York always had an edgy feeling. That’s what happens when you have millions of people crammed into such a tight space. There’s that sense that any minute, you’re going to slip over that edge and into a deep abyss of darkness.

The Calling is Reborn Vampire Novels take you into that darkness and a world where the vampires and other night creatures go to play and slay. But so do the humans who have given into that darkness.

Let yourself be sucked you into a world of suspense, intriguing immortals, and heart-tugging romance. You’ll be glad you did.

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